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Te mātauranga mō ngā piringa me te hōkakatanga

Relationships and Sexuality Education: for educators

Relationships and Sexuality Education has been a required area of learning in The New Zealand Curriculum for over 20 years. 

    • Relationships and Sexuality Education in The New Zealand Curriculum
    • What Relationships and Sexuality Education topics should schools be teaching?
    • How do we support schools to deliver Relationships and Sexuality Education?
  • Quality RSE has been shown to:

    • Improve sexual health outcomes
    • Prevent child sexual abuse
    • Increase communication between rangatahi and parents, carers, and whānau
    • Reduce sexual harm and sexual violence
    • Help develop critical thinking skills around online content and social media
    • Fights prejudice and builds awareness of discrimination
    • Better overall health outcomes for young people as they go through life