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Wāhine Māori experience of contraception services, including those offered by Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa (formerly Family Planning), are the focus of a research report released in Wellington today (Tuesday 12 November).

‘Emotional Support Bits’, a powerful and playful initiative that aims to improve Kiwis' comfort with their sexual wellness, has been launched in response to the findings.

"This report clearly shows how essential RSE is to our young people. They need more RSE, and they need it to be of a higher, more consistent quality."

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa is seeking a provider to build a relationships and sexuality education programme for intellectually disabled youth and adults.

Eliminating cervical cancer is within reach. But urgent government action is needed to meet the WHO targets NZ committed to in 2020.

Acknowledging White Ribbon Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and taking a stand to end violence against women.

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa is seeking a provider to build an innovative decision-tree tool linked to our website.

Explore resources and services to support you and your school community with integrating RSE.

Teens “hate tampons” but often aren’t taught about more modern and sustainable period products. Explore some options with us.

18 October is World Menopause Day. It’s a day to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available.

Sir Graham Henry, Sir Ashley Bloomfield join celebrity team making NZ "The best place in the world to have herpes."

Check out these resources to find out what relationships and sexuality education really is.

September 30 is International Translation Day, a day to celebrate those who bridge language gaps to enable access to our services.

September is Cervical Screening Awareness month. Learn about the barriers gender minorities face when it comes to cervical screening.

26 September is World Contraception Day – a day to think about your contraception choices.

In celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024, Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa kaimahi (staff) share how they incorporate Te Reo and Te Ao Māori into their mahi. Read Rose's story.

In celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024, Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa kaimahi (staff) share how they incorporate Te Reo and Te Ao Māori into their mahi. Read Tania's story.

In celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024, Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa kaimahi (staff) share how they incorporate Te Reo and Te Ao Māori into their mahi. Read Britney Renfrew's story.

UNFPA report launched in Wellington reveals major health disparities for women and girls in Asia-Pacific.

In celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024, Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa kaimahi (staff) share how they incorporate Te Reo and Te Ao Māori into their mahi. Read Amy-Lee and Evie's story.

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa is celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2024 through initiatives across its clinic network – and online.

September is Cervical Screening Awareness Month - your annual reminder to take a test that can save your life.

If you’ve been thinking about getting a contraceptive implant — our free implant clinics in August and September might be just what you're after.

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa applauds the Ministry of Health's stance against unsafe and unsupported 'abortion reversal' practices.

The new HPV screening test has been a game changer in addressing inequities in cervical screening. The continuation of funding for free HPV screening for priority groups will save lives.

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Director Hauora Māori and Equity, Dr Tania Huria, says reflection in your mahi is important but there’s no guarantee you’ll like what you see.

Lots of people don’t want their period to interrupt their day-to-day life. To mark Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024, here are a few things you can do, that may help you stay comfortable during your period.

What is the truth about some of the claims made on social media about hormonal contraception? RNZ talks to Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Medical Director Dr Beth Messenger.

The New Zealand Parliamentarians' Group on Population and Development (NZPPD) — a cross-party group focused on championing sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Pacific — has elected a new Chair and Deputy.

The Council for International Development (CID), other international development and humanitarian organisations, plus supporting partners, are calling on the NZ Government to raise NZ’s Official Development Aid.

It's critical we pay attention to the sexual and reproductive health needs of girls, women, and people born with a uterus, of all ages, says Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa chief executive, Jackie Edmond.

Our new brand — Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa — better reflects our work, and commitment to help New Zealanders build a comfortable relationship with their sexual wellbeing.

We’re excited to launch our new website — same name, same place, but so much better.

Survey findings confirm that women and girls must be included in initiatives to expand STI testing and treatment options, and health promotion.

Watch interview with Family Planning chief executive, Jackie Edmond.

Twelve of Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading community, telehealth, and primary healthcare organisations call for pay parity.

Overall, the Women’s Health Strategy is a fantastic step forward for Aotearoa.

Removing the $5 prescription fee is a positive move — especially for young people accessing contraceptives.

Our submission to the Women's Health Strategy recommended eight priority actions to improve the health of women, girls, trans, and gender diverse people.

Figures released today by Stats NZ tell us that young people are increasingly getting access to services, and information they need to make choices about their lives and their futures.

New research shows that lack of time and lack of subject status for relationships and sexuality education (RSE) are significant barriers in New Zealand schools.